*Important News* Hebrew Roots Movement is Coming to Your Church
The Hebrew Roots Movement is gaining traction in churches, promoting Torah observance, Sabbath-keeping, and Old Testament dietary laws as essential for Christians. This article dives into their beliefs, providing insight to help you recognize and address these teachings.
Should Christians Obey the Old Testament Law? An Unbiased View
Explore whether Christians today are called to obey Old Testament Law. Was the Old Covenant, including the Ten Commandments, meant for all people or specifically for Israel? What parts of the Law were fulfilled or made obsolete through Jesus’ New Covenant? This article invites readers to understand how God’s Law to Israel applies today.
Should Christians Eat Pork? | Unbiased Truth
Can Christians eat pork? This article dives into the Biblical history of God's dietary laws, exploring both sides of the debate. From God's original vegetarian design to the New Covenant through Christ, we examine what Scripture says about eating pork and whether it's prohibited for Christians today.
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath? | An Unbiased View
Should Christians keep the Sabbath? The Sabbath was originally given to Israel as a sign of their covenant with God and a reminder of their deliverance from Egypt. With the New Covenant established by Christ, Christians are no longer required to observe the Sabbath or follow the Law of Moses. Instead, they are instructed to gather for worship on the first day of the week.
Should we Tithe? | What the Bible says about Tithing
Is tithing still relevant today? Many people talk about tithing (or giving 10%) to their churches. So, what does God say about tithing?...