Should I Get Baptized AGAIN?
Wondering if you need to be baptized again? This article explains when re-baptism is Biblically appropriate, covering a New Testament example and the necessity of four key elements: the right mode, authority, purpose, and subject. Discover if your baptism aligns with Scripture and when re-baptism might be necessary.
Should We Baptize Infants?
Do babies need to be baptized according to the Bible? This article explains that "baptize" means immersion, not sprinkling or pouring, and stresses that Biblical baptism requires belief and repentance—qualities infants lack. Addressing original sin and the New Covenant, it argues that infants are born innocent and "safe," not "saved," and that baptism should follow a personal choice in faith.
Is Baptism Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion? | An Unbiased View
The article explores the Biblical meaning and method of baptism, comparing immersion, sprinkling, and pouring. It argues that baptism in the New Testament refers to immersion, symbolizing burial and rebirth. It clarifies that the term "baptism" is a transliteration from Greek, where it means "immersion." Emphasis is placed on following Jesus' command to immerse, questioning traditional practices like sprinkling or pouring as substitutions for full immersion.
How Important is Baptism? | Baptism According to Paul
Is baptism really important? Explore Paul's teachings on baptism in Romans, Galatians, Colossians, and Titus to understand its essential role in salvation. Baptism isn’t just symbolic; it’s where we’re buried with Christ, forgiven, and raised to walk in new life—through God's mercy, washing us in regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
*Important News* Hebrew Roots Movement is Coming to Your Church
The Hebrew Roots Movement is gaining traction in churches, promoting Torah observance, Sabbath-keeping, and Old Testament dietary laws as essential for Christians. This article dives into their beliefs, providing insight to help you recognize and address these teachings.
Women’s Role in the Church | Scriptural View
Explore the Biblical role of women in the church, focusing on examples of their ministry in the New Testament. From faithful family life and hospitality to helping the poor, teaching, and supporting ministry, discover how women have a vital role in God’s work.
What is a Real Christian According to the Bible?
Discover what it means to be a "real Christian" according to the Bible. Many assume nationality, morality, belief in God, or church attendance makes someone Christian, but Scripture defines it differently. Learn how being a Christian means becoming a true disciple through baptism and being taught to follow God’s commandments.
Should Christians Be Preppers? | Unbiased View
Is prepping aligned with God’s plan? Proverbs shows that God encourages wise action and foresight. Godly examples such as Noah and Joseph illustrate that preparedness is not fear-based but a way to provide and protect. Christians can prepare wisely, becoming blessings to others while trusting God’s provision.
What Happens to Us When We Die? | Unbiased View
What happens to us when we die? Explore what happens after death from a Biblical perspective, examining key teachings on Paradise, torment, and the final judgment. This article delves into Jesus' parables and Scripture to provide insight into the afterlife and how our choices on earth shape our eternal future.
Should Christians Obey the Old Testament Law? An Unbiased View
Explore whether Christians today are called to obey Old Testament Law. Was the Old Covenant, including the Ten Commandments, meant for all people or specifically for Israel? What parts of the Law were fulfilled or made obsolete through Jesus’ New Covenant? This article invites readers to understand how God’s Law to Israel applies today.
Should Women be Pastors and Elders? | Unbiased View
Explore the Bible's view on women as pastors and elders with this in-depth look at scriptural roles and titles in church leadership. From the terms "pastor" and "shepherd" to the qualifications for elders, this article clarifies the single office of church leadership and what it means for women.
Is the Trinity Doctrine Biblical? | How Can God be 3 in 1?
Is the doctrine of the Trinity Biblical? Discover how Scripture reveals God as three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in one divine essence. This article examines key Biblical passages, explaining the unity and plurality within God's nature as presented throughout the Bible.
5 Things Christians Should Stop Saying
Discover five things Christians should stop saying, backed by Scripture. This article encourages believers to be mindful of their words by avoiding habits like saying "OMG," relying on superstitions, gossiping, cursing, and breaking promises, to better glorify God.
Do I Have to be Baptized to be Saved?
Explore the significance of baptism in salvation through the teachings of Peter, Paul, and Philip in the book of Acts. This article delves into the purpose of baptism, its connection to the forgiveness of sins, and the urgency it carried in early Christian practice.
Never Go to a Church that Teaches This
Discover four common perversions of the gospel and learn why correct belief is crucial. This article uses Scripture to refute false teachings like faith plus works of the law, works without faith, faith alone, and good works only, highlighting the importance of obeying the true gospel.
Was Jesus God on Earth? | Bible Teaching About Jesus Christ
Many question if Jesus is God, even among Christians. This article explores four Biblical we can be confident that Jesus is truly God on Earth: He accepted worship, claimed to be God, fulfilled Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah being God, and the Bible consistently states Jesus is God in human form.
Should Christians Eat Pork? | Unbiased Truth
Can Christians eat pork? This article dives into the Biblical history of God's dietary laws, exploring both sides of the debate. From God's original vegetarian design to the New Covenant through Christ, we examine what Scripture says about eating pork and whether it's prohibited for Christians today.
Should We Call Him “Jesus” or “Yeshua”?
The Sacred Names Movement claims that our Lord should not be referred to as “Jesus.” Instead, we should only use his Hebrew name “Yeshua.” Some even go so far as to say that calling Him “Jesus” is blasphemous. But, is that what the Bible says?